About Us

We exist to help people know and follow Jesus.

This is how we see our mission: RiverCross Fellowship is a community of people who seek to be disciples who make disciples. A disciple is simply a learner. An apprentice of a master teacher, in this case, Jesus. A disciple is someone who lives with Jesus in order to learn from Him how to be like Him. As we live in relationship with Jesus, we will fulfill our vision by growing more and more like Him. 

To see a copy of our ByLaws, click HERE.

We Do Life By The Bible

We believe the Bible is the true and actual Word of God and has authority for how we live today. So we read it, study it, base our Sunday messages on it, and – in everything we do – try to live it.

We are created to live in community with God and with one another. We believe life change happens best in community, so we intentionally require and create opportunities for community to happen: Life Groups are the core activity at RiverCross, where members and friends come to know Jesus and learn to follow Him.

We Do Life Together

Growth is not optional.

We believe people grow spiritually when we attend the Gathering regularly, participate in Life Groups, and serve together in the church and the community. We believe the church will grow numerically as together we LOVE and LEARN to LIVE like Jesus and invite others to join us on that journey.

Meet Our Team



    Tyler has served for over 10 years in student ministry. He has brought his experience and excitement to RiverCross.  He is passionate about sharing the Word of God, youth ministry and connecting with others in the community.

    Tyler and his wife, Sabrina and their two children along with their two dogs live in Wilmington. In Tyler's free time, he enjoys reading, spending time with family, and playing games. 

    Email Tyler



    Our RCKids team is led by volunteer Kim Horsey.  Kim and the RCKids Team work to help children from birth to 6th grade learn about worship, the Bible, and the love of Jesus.

  • LEad Team

    The Lead Team oversees everything that happens at RiverCross. They lead us into the vision and direction of the church God has given to Pastor Tyler, provide for the care and nurture of all RiverCrossers, and make sure that all we do is for the glory of our amazing God! 

    Elders: Trish Fronczkowski, Bryan Hendricks, Michael Koli, Sharon O'Connor Robin Tucker, and Sean Wright.

    Email The Lead Team

  • John Woodfield

    Worship Leader

RiverCross 101

RiverCross 101 is a one-time class that introduces you to our Mission, Vision, and Values and will help you learn how to get connected and grow at RiverCross.

RiverCross 101 is open to all who want to know more about RiverCross, required for those considering becoming a member.

Click HERE to see our Membership Covenant.