Live Like Jesus

There are many opportunities to be Jesus' hands and feet and share the Love of God to our neighbors within our community and within our own walls.  We serve alongside each other and serve through "Ops" teams:  Operations within RiverCross and Opportunities outside RiverCross.

The Mission Ops Team helps connect RiverCrossers with opportunities in the community to live like Jesus and the various RiverCross Ops Teams that support the day to day operations of our church. 

  • Mission Ops

    Serve alongside other RiverCrossers to share God's love to our neighbors and community.  

    The Mission Ops team helps coordinate serving and outreach opportunities. Opportunities include supporting our partnership with Castle Hills Elementary School; serving lunch at Emmanuel Dining Room, New Castle, and the Sunday Breakfast Mission; and Operation Christmas Child.  

  • RiverCross Care Team

    The Care Team helps provide care to RiverCrossers who might need some extra Tender Loving Care such as a meal prepared, a visit, or home communion.

    Contact Pastor Tyler

  • first impressions team

    The First Impressions Team helps all who attend RiverCross feel welcome. They serve as our parking lot personnel, greeters, ushers and hosts in the cafe.

    Contact Martin Reynolds

  • Prayer Team

    The Prayer Team gathers to pray for the Gathering, RCKids, as well as the church-wide prayer list.

    Contact Joanne Kolod

  • cleaning ops

    The Cleaning Ops Team helps clean and prepare our building for the Sunday Morning Gathering.  You can help clean or donate cleaning supplies found HERE

    Contact Melanie Koli

  • RC Kids

    RC Kids needs volunteers who can teach or assist on Sunday morning during the Gathering. 

    Contact Kim Horsey

  • Building ops

    The Building Ops Team helps oversee the building operations and facilities.

  • Worship Tech team

    The Worship Tech Team serves behind the scenes for the Sunday Worship Gathering by providing visuals, running sound and setting the mood for worship with lights.  

    Contact John Woodfield


    The GROW team posts, likes, shares, tweets and manages all things on RiverCross Fellowship's social media pages and website and helps RiverCross "Go Reach Our World".

    Contact Jessica Norris

  • Life Group Facilitator

    Life Groups are where we gather as small communities to learn about God, pray eat, laugh, serve and live. Life Group Facilitators assist in leading these small communities.  If you are interested in being a Life Group Facilitator complete the form HERE.

  • Cafe opener/ closer

    We need a few folks who will serve once a month making coffee and setting up the Cafe before the Gathering on Sunday Mornings or serve by cleaning up afterwards.  

  • Family Promise Hospitality Center

    We need individuals/groups who are willing to help prepare for our host week, be present during the week, prepare meals, and help clean up after our host week. 

    Contact Sue Kienan

  • RC Students

    We are excited to rebuild our student ministry for 6th-12th grade. We need volunteers who want to invest in our students. Student Life Group meets each Monday from 5:30-7:00pm.


    Contact Pastor Tyler

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